Program konferencji / Conference agenda



Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Dyduch,

Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Dyduch,

Kierownik Katedry Przedsiębiorczości Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach

Profesor nauk ekonomicznych specjalizujący się w naukach o zarządzaniu, dziekan Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach, Przewodniczący Komitetu Nauk Organizacji i Zarządzania Polskiej Akademii Nauk, członek Rady Doskonałości Naukowej, członek Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego.

Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Wach

Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Wach

Kierownik Katedry Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie

polski ekonomista, nauczyciel akademicki, profesor nauk społecznych, doktor habilitowany oraz doktor nauk ekonomicznych. Autor lub współautor ponad 200 publikacji naukowych, w tym kilkunastu książek

Prof. dr hab. Łukasz Sułkowski

Prof. dr hab. Łukasz Sułkowski

Prorektor ds. Badań Naukowych i Rozwoju Kadr w Akademii WSB

profesor nauk ekonomicznych i humanistycznych specjalizujący się w naukach o zarządzaniu. Pracuje w Instytucie Spraw Publicznych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, był dyrektorem amerykańskiego programu Clark University w Społecznej Akademii Nauk, był wiceprzewodniczącym do spraw międzynarodowych oraz ekspertem do spraw jakości w Polskiej Komisji Akredytacyjnej. Pełni funkcję prezesa PCG Polska. Od 2022 roku Prorektor ds. Badań Naukowych i Rozwoju Kadr Akademii WSB.

Peter Zámborský, Ph.D., The University of Auckland Business School

Peter Zámborský, Ph.D., The University of Auckland Business School

Senior Lecturer in Management and International Business at the University of Auckland Business School in New Zealand. He specializes in international business and global strategy. Prior to his job at the University of Auckland, Peter was instructor at Harvard University and lecturer at Brandeis University in Boston, where he earned his doctorate. He earned his Master of Science degree from the London School of Economics. Before joining the academia, Peter worked for The Economist Group (a publisher of The Economist magazine) in London, UK, and Europe.

Peter’s research explores firm internationalization with a focus on foreign direct investment and global innovation strategy. His research has been published in leading international journals, including California Management Review, International Business Review, Journal of Management & Organization, Journal of Business Strategy, Chinese Management Studies, Global Economy Journal, and Eastern European Economics. He serves on editorial boards of several journals including International Journal of Emerging Markets.

Peter co-authored Contemporary International Business in the Asia-Pacific Region (Cambridge University Press, 2019) and several book chapters and cases with leading global publishers including Cambridge University Press, SAGE, Springer, and Routledge. He was quoted and interviewed by media worldwide, ranging from the Wall Street Journal in the US and BBC News in the UK to Te Hiku Māori radio station in the Far North of New Zealand and Korzár newspaper in eastern Slovakia.

Peter’s work was recognized at several prominent international conferences and symposia. For example, he won “Most Inspiring and Thoughtful Reviewer Award” at the Academy of International Business Oceania Chapter Research Symposium in 2022, and “Best Reviewer Award” from the Global Strategy Interest Group at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conferences in 2021 and 2020.

Peter served as the director of the Master of International Business program at the University of Auckland in 2010-11. He was the member of the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee in 2021 and has also served as the advisory board member of the Europe Institute at the University of Auckland since 2010.

Prof. Daniel (DF) Meyer, University of Johannesburg

Prof. Daniel (DF) Meyer, University of Johannesburg

Appointed as a Full Professor, School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Daniel is a specialist in regional and local economic development analysis and policy development. He has development various measurement tools, indexes and scales to analyse regional economies. He has authored more than 100 internationally peer reviewed research papers since 2015 and has also presented more than 50 international conference papers including a number of key note addresses. His research is multi-disciplinary through the combination of development economics and public management and governance. He has successfully supervised 10 PhD students and 13 masters students since 2015. He has developed a large international network of research partners across the globe with a strong focus on the Visegrad group of countries. He has also successfully completed and delivered more than 40 regional development strategies for local governments and provincial governments. He is also involved in various community development projects in the communities where he lives. During his academic career he has received a number of awards which include: most inspiring lecturer in 2012; Vice-Chancellor’s award for community engagement via the Vaal LED warrior initiative in 2016; media person of the year in 2016; and most productive senior researcher on the NWU Vaal campus in 2016, 2017 and 2018; and most productive senior researcher in the NWU Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences in 2019. His motto in life is “give more than you take”.

Prof. Natanya Meyer, University of Johannesburg

Prof. Natanya Meyer, University of Johannesburg

Commenced her career as lecturer in 2012. She completed her B. Com and Honours degrees in Economics and Risk Management, her Master’s degree in Development and Management and thereafter her PhD in Entrepreneurship. Prior to joining academia, she owned and managed three successful businesses highlighting her passion for entrepreneurship. She has been involved in the development of entrepreneurial student societies, served as an executive member of the Golden Triangle Chamber of Commerce (GTCOC) and as a community of practice member in the Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE) initiative launched by the Department of Higher Education (DHE) in 2017. She enjoys research and has so far published more than 50 peer reviewed articles in national and international journals and conference proceedings as a sole and co-author respectively. Her research focuses on entrepreneurial and economic related topics with a focus on females, youth and the enabling environment. She is a co-editor, guest editor, editorial board member, reviewer for several national and international journals and has collaboration links with various Asian and east European universities.

Laeeq Janjua, Msc, BNP Paribas Securities Services

Laeeq Janjua, Msc, BNP Paribas Securities Services

Temat wystąpienia/ Topic: Ocena wpływu sztucznej inteligencji jako endogenicznego czynnika w walce z praniem pieniędzy w cieniu teorii gier/ Evaluating the impact of AI as an endogenous driver to combat money laundering under the shadow of game theory

Dr. Susan S. Fiorito

Dr. Susan S. Fiorito

Dean of the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship (JMC), which was made possible through the generous gift of $100M from Jan Moran and the Jim Moran Foundation. The JMC is the first College of Entrepreneurship in the nation, renamed from the Jim Moran School to the Jim Moran College in the fall 2019. The JMC won the National “Emerging Entrepreneurship Program” from the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Tampa FL in January2019 and the “Exceptional Activities in Entrepreneurship Across Discipline” Award from the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) in Stockholm, in September 2019.

In addition, Dr. Fiorito served as Faculty Senate President and on the FSU Board of Trustees from 2015 until April 2017.  She has taught at the university level since the early 1980s and received her doctorate from Oklahoma State University completing her dissertation on the financial performance and marketing strategies of selected small apparel stores. She has owned apparel and leather goods stores in Atlanta from the mid-1970s until 1980.

In addition to over 30 years of teaching at FSU, Dr. Fiorito has also taught and conducted research at the University of Iowa, Florida International University and the University of Stirling in Scotland, where she taught graduate-level courses and developed a module for their Executive MBA program. Dr. Fiorito’ s research focuses on retail, small business management and buying, and has been featured in a variety of academic journals, including International Journal of Research and Distribution Management, the Journal of Retailing, and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. She has published a textbook on retail buying with Dr. Mike Gable. In addition, Fiorito taught summer study-abroad courses in Milan and Florence, Italy; Paris, France; London, England and Valencia Spain. She also spent one year on sabbatical living in Scotland and teaching there at the University of Stirling.

Dr. Fiorito has received three University teaching awards for undergraduate and graduate courses and is one of three inaugural Jim Moran Institute Faculty Fellows. She was the first female president of the American Collegiate Retailing Association in 1992, and received an Academic Lifetime Achievement Award from ACRA in 2108. Dr. Fiorito was also awarded an Alpha Chi Omega Award of Achievement in 2018.
