Conference Program 2017



Thursday, 1st June 2017

9.00 – 10.00 Registration  for the conference

10.00 – 10.20 Conference opening

10.20 – 11.10 Session I

Theoretical problems of management and production engineering (session in Polish, with transparencies in English)
Chairman: Włodzimierz Sroka

  1. Aneta Wysokińska-Senkus, Piotr Senkus: The model of organization’s improvement in the context of Circular economy
  2. Joanna Ejdys: Technology trust – measurement constructs

11.10 – 11.40 Coffee break

11.40 – 13.10 Session II (two parallel sessions)

A/ Management, CSR and business ethics   
Chairman: Jan Suchacek 

  1. Ondrej Remeň, Andrea Sujova: Model for Optimization of Transformation Process through Internal Logistics
  2. Marzanna K. Witek-Hajduk, Anna Grudecka: Positioning strategies of retailers' brands on the Polish market - a cluster analysis
  3.  Anita Kolnhofer-Derecskei: The indifferent, the good Samaritan, the brave and the agent – or how influences endowment effect our decision?
  4. Jurate Kuklyte, Jolita Vveinhardt: Deviant behaviour in football teams: constructive or destructive?

B/ Entrepreneurship and innovations
Chairman: Jaroslav Dvorak

  1. Nestor Shpak, Liliya Satalkina, Nataliia Reverenda, Rostyslav Budynskyy: The part of enterprise in a development of social innovation activity
  2. Jay Stephen Siy: Investment trends in developing economies: lessons in competitiveness from the EU
  3. Audrone Urmanaviciene, Janina Cizikiene: Volunteer human resources management in social enterprises
  4. Svatopluk Kapounek, Zuzana Kučerová: Herding behaviour in crowdfunding

13.10 – 14.00   Lunch

14.30 Departure to Wisła – visiting the Presidential Palace 

20.00 Gala dinner 

Friday, 2nd June 20179.30 – 10.50   Session III

Regional development - economic and social aspects
Chairman: Regina Zsuzsánna Reicher

  1. Valentina Burkšienė, Gabrielė Burbulytė – Tsiskarishvili, Jaroslav Dvorak: Marketing thinking in the context of competing for European capital of culture
  2. Anna Olszewska: Assessment of awareness and usage of quality management methods and tools among the managers of companies in Podlasie region
  3. Elena Valioniene: State seaport governance model in the complexity  theory perspective
  4. Rima Mickiene: Evaluation of state seaport performance in the context of the socio-economic progress assessment paradigm

10.50 – 11.20 Coffee break 

11.20 – 12.50 Session IV  

Management of the company and inter-organizational cooperation
Chairman: Kozma Tímea

  1. Jarmila Šebestová, Roman Šperka, Joanna Małecka, Teresa Łuczka: Coworking centres as a supportive network for cross border business cooperation
  2. Viktor Nagy: The role of the amount of money in risk-taking
  3. Sylwia Gierej:The main barriers to effective use of Big Data
  4. Martin Holubčík: Transformation of a company by using current technologies and tools for analytical processing and evaluation of diverse data

12.50 – 13.00  Closing the conference

13.00 – 13.30  Lunch