WEDNESDAY, 6th June 2018
Arrival of the participants
19.00 - Dinner and informal discussions
8.30 – 9.30Registration for the conference
9.30 – 9.50 Conference opening; creamy room
9.50 – 11.20 Plenary session; creamy room
Chairman: Włodzimierz Sroka
1.Desislava Dikova: Contemporary teaching methods in IB and strategy
2.Michael A. Radin: Effective pedagogical management and leadership as a road to successful international teaching
3.Juan Garcia Machado: Last streams in finance research: an updated bibliometric mapping based on co-occurrence data
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 13.20 Parallel sessions
Session I a. Management of the company;
creamy room
Chairman: Joanna Cygler
1.Katarina Valaskova: Behavioural aspects of the financial decision- making
2.Gabriela Menet, Marek Szarucki: Impact of value proposition co-creation on customer satisfaction in the airsoft industry: Case of GATE company
3.Viktor Nagy: Challenges and dangers in the field of freight forwarding
4.Justyna Berniak-Woźny, Katarzyna Walotek-Ściańska, Magdalena Wójcik-Jurkiewicz: Sustainability reporting practices of media companies - the case of Europe
Session I b. Financial aspects of modern economy;
lavender room
Chairman: Jan Suchacek
1.Michaela Bednárová, Enrique Bonsón, Roman Klimko, David Perea El Khalifi: integrated reporting practices: a comparative analysis of DAX 30 and IBEX 35 companies
2.Agnieszka Bieńkowska, Katarzyna Tworek, Anna Zabłocka-Kluczka: Information technology reliability influence on controlling excellence
3.Natalia Konovalova: Problems of bank activity regulation: evidence from Eastern Europe countries
4.Maria Kovacova, Tomas Kliestik, Pavol Kubala: Slovak bancruptcy models: verifying their validity as a predictor of corporate failure
Session I c. Entrepreneurship and innovations;
raspberry room
Chairman: Richard Szanto
1.Marina Solesvik, Paul Westhead: Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention: impact of local belief context
2.Aleksandra Laskowska-Rutkowska: Methodology of measuring the effectiveness of diffusion of innovation in the supply chain - application in the FMCG sector
3.Anita Kolnhofer Derecskei: Components which influence organizational creativity based on Hungarian employees’ response
4.Petra Krejčí, Jarmila Šebestová: Social innovation ties: a dilemma of product and employee orientation
13.20 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Workshop with WoS and SCOPUS journals’ editors;
creamy room
Chairman: Włodzimierz Sroka
•Michaela Bednarova, Deputy Editor-in Chief, The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research
•Desislava Dikova, Editor-in Chief, Journal of East-West Business; Area editor, International Journal of Emerging Markets; Associate editor, European Management Review
•Ondrej Dvoulety, Editorial Board member, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
•Sebastian Kot, Theme editor, Polish Journal of Management Studies
•Marina Solesvik, Editorial Board member, Technology Innovation Management Review; Editorial Board member, European Journal of International Management
•Joze Zupancić, Editor-in Chief, Organizacija
16.00 Departure to Cieszyn
20.00 Gala dinner
9.30– 11.00 Parallel sessions
Session I a. Regional development - economic and social aspects;
creamy room
Chairman: Jaroslav Dvorak
1.Ondřej Dvouletý: Investigating relationship between entrepreneurship and regional development: case of developing countries
2.Elena Valionienė: Complex assessment of possibilities to apply the principles of effective seaport governance
3.Liudmila Lapochkina, Elena Vetrova: Review of modern theories of industrial development
Session I b. Logistics, transport and production engineering;
raspberry room
Chairman: Anita Kolnhofer Derecskei
1.Lech A. Bukowski: Creating resilient supply networks - a continuity oriented approach
2.Grzegorz Kunikowski, George Nezlek, Christian Trefftz: Voronoi diagram modelling for defining developing energy markets
3.Adam Pawliczek: Economic analysis of company – prosumer focused on photovoltaics
4.Michal Halaška: Is there a need for agent-based modelling and simulation in business process management?
11.00– 11.30 Coffee break
11.30– 13.00 Parallel sessions
Session II a. Inter-organizational and cross-border cooperation;
raspberry room
Chairman: George Nezlek
1.Jaroslav Dvorak, Remigijus Civinskas: The determinants of cooperation and better communication between stakeholders in EU countries: case of posting workers
2.Csilla Ilona Kohlhoffer-Mizser: Cross border perspectives of business mediation
3.Rima Mickiene: The methodology of evaluation of Baltic sea eastern ports cost performance impact on countries competitiveness advantages
Session II b. CSR and business ethics;
creamy room
Chairman: Michaela Bednarova
1.Richard Szanto: The online CSR communication of MNC subsidiaries in Hungary
2.Gianita Bleoju, Bogdan George Dragan, Alexandru Capatina: Green leadership trust builder influencing eco-oriented corporate culture
3.Maria Golec: Cooperative banks’ social responsibility: The case of lending activities of the group cooperative banks in Poland
4.Josef Kašík: Perception of corruption in selected European Countries
13.00 - 13.15Closing the conference
13.15 – 14.00 Lunch
„Organizacja Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej: 5th International Scientific Conference „New trends in management and production engineering – regional, cross-border and global perspectives” – zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy 892/P-DUN/2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego