Conference program 2019



WEDNESDAY, 5th June 2019

Arrival of the participants

20.00  -  Dinner and informal discussions




8.30 – 9.30 Registration  for the conference


9.30 – 9.50 Conference opening; creamy room


9.50 – 11.30  Plenary session; creamy room


Chairman: Włodzimierz Sroka

  1. Natanya Meyer & Daniel Meyer: Moving from average to exceptional: best practice tools for local economic development
  2. Marina Solesvik: Blockchain technology: motives and barriers for use
  3. Sebastian Kot: Chosen facts on citations from editor’s point of view

Special presentation in memory of Dr. Agnieszka Jachowicz by Juan Garcia Machado: An integrated PLS-SEM model of sustainable consumption behavior in Poland


11.30 – 11.50 Coffee break

11.50 – 13.20 Parallel sessions


Session I a. Human Resource management

creamy room

Chairman: Martina Rasticova

  1. Adnan ul Haque, John Aston, Eugene Kozlovski: Types of stress and working efficiency of public university personnel: evidence from the United Kingdom and Pakistan
  2. Julius Paulikas: The particularities of employees’ behaviour while resisting to the implementation of innovation
  3. Maja Rožman, Tjaša Štrukelj: Raising managers awareness about the organizational climate importance


Session I b. Financial aspects of modern economy; lavender room

Chairman: Martin Boda

  1. Katarina Valaskova: Detection of earnings management: investigation based on unique country samples
  2. Agnieszka Bieńkowska, Anna Sałamacha, Katarzyna Tworek: The role of UX in shaping EDC based model of job performance 
  3. Muhammad Asif Khan, Domicián Máté, Mohamued Elyas Abdulahi, Rabeea Sadaf, Muhammad Atif Khan, József Popp, And Judit Oláh : Does institutional quality, innovation and ICT technologies promote financial development?

Session I c. Innovations and Entrepreneurship;

raspberry room

Chairman: Ondrej Dvoulety

  1. Aleksandr Gusakov: Mechanisms to support open innovation in smart tourism destinations
  2. Joanna Ejdys: The role of trust in collaborative processes at national level
  3. Michael A. Radin: Balance between leading & following & international pedagogical innovations
  4. Agnieszka Żur: New business models in entrepreneurship: exploratory insights from corporate-startup cooperation in Poland

13.20 – 14.00   Lunch

14.00 - 15.30    Workshop with WoS and SCOPUS journals’ editors;

creamy room

Chairman: Włodzimierz Sroka

  • Michaela Bednarova, Deputy Editor-in Chief, The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research
  • Ondrej Dvoulety, Editorial Board member, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies; Associate Editor, Central European Business Review
  • Joanna Ejdys, Editor in Chief, Engineering Management in Production and Services
  • Sebastian Kot, Theme editor, Polish Journal of Management Studies
  • Joanna Paliszkiewicz, Deputy Editor in Chief, Management and Production Engineering Review; Associate Editor, Journal of Computer Information Systems

  • Marina Solesvik, Editorial Board member, Technology Innovation Management Review
  • Joze Zupancić, Editor-in Chief, Organizacija
  • Agnieszka Żur, Associate Editor, Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review

16.00 Departure to Bielsko Biała    

20.00 Gala dinner 


9.30– 11.00   Parallel sessions

Session I a. Marketing and consumer behaviour;

creamy room  

Chairman: Jaroslav Dvorak

  1. Marzanna Katarzyna Witek-Hajduk, Anna Grudecka: Country of origin and marketing communication of companies from emerging markets - case studies of the household appliances' brands
  2. Irena Antosova, Nada Hazuchova, Jana Stavkova: Czech consumer in the drug market
  3. Felix Hinnüber, Marek Szarucki: Influence of first-time experience on consumer evaluation of battery electric vehicles in Germany

Session I b. Logistics and production engineering;

raspberry room

Chairman: Agnieszka Bieńkowska

  1. Lech A. Bukowski: Logistics 4.0 challenges. Managing big data veracity.
  2. Michal Halaska, Roman Sperka: Automated process model discovery within the controlled environment
  3. Michaela Bednarova,  Roman Klimko, Eva Rievajova: Does environmental disclosure really matter?
  4. Ivana Blažková, Ondřej Dvouletý, Ondřej Machek: What drives total factor productivity and its growth in post-communist countries? The case of the Czech Food Industry

11.00– 11.30 Coffee break 

11.30– 13.00 Parallel sessions


Session II a. Labor market: intercultural and ethical aspects;

raspberry room

Chairman: Adnan ul Haque

  1. Mike Szymański: Mea Culpa – The role of religion in corruption perception?
  2. Anna Kovaleva, Paweł Lula, Renata Oczkowska, Małgorzata Tyrańska, Sylwia Wiśniewska: K-partite competency schemas on Polish labor market
  3. Jomana Mahfod. Beatrice Canel-Depitre, Atour Taghipour: Decision model of supplier selection : Integration QFD-ELECTRE

Session II b. CSR and business ethics;

creamy room

Chairman: Vanda Marakova

  1. Richard Szanto: The online CSR communication of MNC subsidiaries in Hungary
  2. Vita Jukneviciene, Rita Toleikiene: The formation of the integral system of ethics management  in local self-government: the role of political and administrative levels in Lithuanian municipalities
  3. Veronika Králíková, Jiří Černý: (Dis)honesty of future employees - pilot study

13.00 - 13.15 Closing the conference

13.15 – 14.00  Lunch